
About Jodi O'Meara and EPIC Consulting, Inc.

Experience, Dedication and Passion

Jodi O’Meara is an educational consultant, author, certified life coach and professional developer for educators and administrators. She has presented at state, national and international conferences. She has worked with schools and districts around the globe. With over 22 years as a teacher and administrator of general education, special education, and gifted education, she recognizes the diverse needs of students and teachers. Her own experiences with differentiated instruction were first evident in the multiple stories of her teaching in Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul (2002).  Jodi is recognized as a leader in Response to Intervention having published books and articles on the framework. More importantly, she has a great deal of experiences putting RTI into motion in schools around the world. 

Additionally, Jodi is a certified Life Skills Coach and provides guidance for leadership in both business and education. Jodi specializes in professional development in the areas of differentiated instruction for both students with special needs as well as students identified as gifted. In addition to differentiated instruction, she has also been involved with many projects and presentations to include Response to Intervention and School Improvement. 

Jodi is the author of Beyond Differentiated Instruction (2010) and RtI with Differentiated Instruction; A Classroom Teacher’s Guide (2011 and 2012). Jodi was a co-writer of the Frameworks for Gifted Learners for the state of Florida.  She is a former president of the Florida Association for Gifted and former President for the Family Network on Disabilities. She has traveled internationally to work with schools in 5 continents. Jodi believes that teachers can change the lives of people more effectively than any other professionals. She is strongly committed to supporting teachers in their efforts to inspire their diverse student populations.

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EPIC Consulting, Inc.

EPIC Consulting, Inc. was established in 2006. EPIC is an acronym for Educational and Professional Integrated Coaching and Consulting. The name honors the integration and interdependence within and between systems. It recognizes professionals and educators as those who have great potential that can be nurtured not by "telling" but through the coaching process. 

EPIC prides itself on being a company of highest ethics with a value in teacher and student learning above all else. EPIC Consulting, Inc. is founded on the value of education and contribution to both the local and global communities.